Islamic Finance Book

This page is dedicated for selling Islamic finance books. As you probably aware, Islamic finance has blooming from unknown to an important sector of economy. Its not only provide solutions to Muslim population but it's clients reached to non-Muslims as well.

If you want to know more about Islamic finance, we have a wide-range of books for you to choose! Please contact us for more info!

Price: RM80 / USD30 (exclude postage)
Author: Dr. Ahcene Lahsasna
ISBN: 978-983-44836-7-8  | Size: 6in x 9in | Softcover

Content Overview
Shari’ah (fiqh, usul fiqh, legal maxims and maqasid al-shari’ah) * Islamic Law of Contract * Islamic Financial Transactions * Mudarabah * Musharakah * Murabahah * Bay’ Bithaman Ajil (BBA) * Ijarah * Salam * Istisna’ * Wadi’ah * Urbun * Tawarruq * Hawalah * Muqasah * Rahn * Wakalah * Kafalah * Juala * Qard * Qabd * Sarf * Islamic Banking * Islamic Capital Market * Takaful and Retakul * Shari’ah Financial Planning * Shari’ah Audit * Shari’ah Board * Corporate Governance * Risk management * Others + Plus The Legal Maxims According To Majallah from Article 1 to Article 99

 Price: RM85 / USD35 (exclude postage)
Author: Dr Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman
ISBN: 978-967-0175-01-0 | Softcover

Content Overview
Accounting & Islamic Worldview *Accounting Concepts: An Islamic Perspective * Islamic Ethics and Accounting * Financial Reporting for Islamic Financial Institutions * Accounting for Islamic Deposit and Investment Account * Accounting for Mudarabah Financing * Accounting for Musharakah Financing * Accounting for Murabahah Financing * Accounting for Ijarah Financing * Accounting for Investment in Islamic Securities * Principles of Zakat & Zakat Accounting for Business Wealth * Zakat Accounting for Islamic Financial Institutions

Small in size, but highly informative. These little gems deliver a pocketful of information on the topic at hand in a truly quick and accessible way.

 Price: RM45 / USD15 (exclude postage)
Author: Syed Alwi Mohammed Sultan
ISBN: 978-983-42785-6-4 | Softcover 
Content Overview 
This " A Mini Guide to Accounting for Islamic Financial Products" stars with the development of Islamic finance as well as accounting standards and development of AAOIFI which aims to develop standards on accounting,auditing,ethics and governance and disseminate them on the target market. This guide also highlights selected accounting issues addressed by AAOIFI: substance over form, prudence, mudarabah investment accoounts and asset valuation. This is followed by how information of financial statement  of an Islamic banks helps its major users, like equity holders, holders of investment accounts, regulatory agencies and others.

 Price: RM45 / USD15 (exclude postage)
Author: CERT
ISBN: 978-983-42785-6-4 | Softcover 

Content Overview 
The primary objective of this mini guide is to explain to interested individuals especially the Muslims the differences between forbidden financial transactions commonly used in conventional finance and their corresponding Islamic transactions which are allowed by Shariah. It also endeavors to provide clearly the basic understanding on various contracts coupled with the full information about “state of the art” Islamic financial instruments as well as discussion of recent fatwas and decision of jurists.
The earlier four chapters of this guide review the prohibitions of riba and gharar, the permissible financial methods, the permissible investment vehicles and the permissible insurance alternatives. The last chapter gives some answers to commonly asked questions or issues which are practically useful in the area of Islamic banking and finance to face the challenges of a modern era.

 Price: RM45 / USD15 (exclude postage)
Author: Dr Mohamad Akram Laldin
ISBN: 983-42785-5-1 | Softcover 

Content Overview
A Mini Guide to Shari'ah and Legal Maxims is an attempt to provide some light into the basic principles of Islamic law, which is essential in order to understand the very purpose of the revelation of rulings in Islam.

The guide begins by discussing some fundamental points related to Islamic law such as the definition of fiqh and Shari'ah and other important issues related to these two terms. This guide also discusses the general objectives of Shari'ah (Maqasid al-Shari'ah) and highlights the different categories of the objectives such as the essential (al-Daruriyyat), complementary (al-Hajiyyat) and embellishments (al-Tahsiniyyat).

In addition, the characteristics of Shari'ah, which differentiate the law of Allah with other laws is also elaborated in detail. The last chapter examines five important of Islamic legal maxims (al-qawa'id al-fiqhiyyah). These are basically general rules and used as principles to deduce many rules in fiqh. It also discusses the different classification of the legal maxims, its origin and literature. Then the discussion on the five major maxims; matters are determined according to intention, hardship begets facility, harm shall not be inflicted nor reciprocated and what is certain cannot be removed by doubt and custom is authoritative or binding. The writer hopes that this guide will shade some light for those who are interested in understanding the basics of Islamic law.
 Price: RM45 / USD15 (exclude postage)
Author: Syed Alwi Mohamed Sultan
ISBN: 983-42785-7-8 | Softcover 

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